Midjourney has officially launched its latest update, V6.1, promising users a significant boost in image quality, coherence, and personalization features. This new version is designed to be smarter, faster, clearer, and more aesthetically pleasing than ever before.
Key Enhancements in V6.1:
- Enhanced Coherence: V6.1 produces more coherent images, improving the depiction of complex elements like arms, legs, hands, bodies, plants, and animals.
- Superior Image Quality: The update reduces pixel artifacts and enhances textures and skin tones. It also improves the rendering of 8-bit retro styles.
- Detailed Features: Small image details, such as eyes, small faces, and distant hands, are now more precise and accurate.
- Advanced Upscaling: New upscalers offer significantly better image and texture quality.
- Increased Speed: Standard image jobs are approximately 25% faster.
- Improved Text Accuracy: When using quotations in prompts, the accuracy of text rendering has been enhanced.
- Personalization Model: The new model introduces improved nuance, surprise, and accuracy in personalization.
- Personalization Code Versioning: Users can now apply personalization codes from previous jobs to utilize the corresponding model and data.
- New
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Mode: This mode takes 25% longer to process, potentially adding more texture at the expense of some image coherence. - Overall Aesthetics: Across the board, images generated by V6.1 are designed to look “generally more beautiful.”
With these upgrades, Midjourney V6.1 sets a new standard in AI-generated imagery, offering users a more refined and efficient creative tool. Enjoy the enhanced capabilities and discover the best model yet from Midjourney.